Home » ConferentieProgramma24-25

Programma on becoming emotionally regulated:

9.30-10.00:    Opening  door Prof Rutger Jan van der Gaag, voorzitter KNMG, professor clinical Child and Adolescent psychiatry, adviseur Papageno.
10.00-11.00:   Prof Stephen Porges: The Polyvagal Theory: Demystifying the link between social behaviour and health . What is neuroception and what mental health problems are the effect of “faulty”neuroception?. How neuroception can help coping with stress, anxiety, PTSD and autism. How we can use facial expression, vocal intonation and gesture in clinical treatment
11.00-11.30:   pauze
11.30-12.30:   Prof Sue Carter: The Healing Power of Love: An Oxytocin Hypothesis
 How oxytocin is involved in regulating stress, treatment of depression and trauma?  How oxytocin and vasopressin act as “neuromodulators” within the theoretical context of the Polyvagal Theory, the neurobiology of social bonding and love?
12.30-13.30:   lunch
13.30-13.45:   HartFocus movement exercises
13.45-15.15:   Prof Bessel van der Kolk: clinical implications of neuroscience research in PTSD.
trauma and processing, digestion and assimilation of emotion .
15.00-15.30:   pauze
15.30-16.45:   Workshops :
1. Drs Joke Hellemans, UvAMind:  Mindfulness en emotieregulatie in gezinnen
2. Dr Annemiek van Dijke, klinisch neuropsycholoog. Does childhood trauma-related dysfunctional    emotion regulation present differently across the lifespan?
3. Drs Kees Blase, HartFocus: HartRitmeVariatie-patroon lezen tijdens traumaverwerkings processen
16.45-17.45:   Ellert Nijenhuis: Trauma-related dissociation of the personality.  Clinical    implications of  research and MRI scanning of processing of the emotional brain and prefrontal  cortex.
Dinsdag 25 Juni:  MUSIC AND EMOTION
9.30-9.45   :  musical introduction
9.45-11.00 :  Prof Stephen Porges: Music as therapy: Exploring the common mechanisms    mediating autonomic regulation, vocalizations, and listening
11.00-11.30 :   pauze
11.30-12.10 :   Erik Scherder, Professor Clinical Neuropsychology VU University : Music, cognitive research and aging of emotions
12.10-12.30:    Ellen Schuring, sopraan:  Afstemmen. Voice (re-)connection :  building social bond and selfesteem by singing with autist and handicapped children
12.30-13.30:   pauze
13.30-13.50.   Mathieu Pater , muziektherapeut: Muziek en autisme
13.50-14.45:   Kees Blase, medical physicist : HRV research with Music, Loving Kindness and Trauma treatment,  neurological effects of musictherapy with I-pods
14.45-15.15:   Monique van Bruggen,MAT: state of the art research in music therapy
15.15-15.45:   pauze
15.45-17.00:   Workshops
1. workshop Jantje van der Wurf, Stichting Papageno: Muziek Therapie en  autisme
2. workshop Ellen Schuring, Afstemmen: over het ont-dekken van de stem bij gehandicapte kinderen
3. workshop Merlijn Twaalfhoven, componist, traumaverwerking met muziek in oorlogsgebieden Syrie/Libanon
17.00-17.20: interview via de video met Aaltje en dirigent Jaap van Zweden, oprichters van Stichting Papageno,
Papageno helpt kinderen met autisme met muziek.
17.20-17.30: muzikaal slot
18.30-21.30: Network Diner met deelnemers and keynotespeakers. U kunt hiervoor apart intekenen.