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Curriculum Vitae Kees L. Blase

Family name: Blase  

First names: Kees Leendert  

Date of birth: 06-08-1953  

Nationality: Dutch  

Civil status: father of three sons  


           Institution: University of Utrecht
From/to: 1970-1980
Degrees or Diplomas: MSc (Medical Physics)
MA ( Social Psychology)
Major Biology

     Institution: Agricultural University of Wageningen
     From/to: 1978
     Degrees or Diplomas: Minor Hydrobiology
     Institution: Dutch School of Acupuncture
     From/to: 1983-1986
     Degrees or Diplomas: certified in Traditional Chinese Medicine
     Institution:University of California
     From/to: 2000
     certified trainer selfesteem facilitating skills by Jack Canfield
     Institution: Institute of Applied Integral Psychology, Netherlands
     From: 2000-2004
     Degree: certified trainer and mastery in integral psychology
     Institution: Center of Creative Leadership, Greensboro, USA
     From/to: 1992
     biographic coaching, creative leadership
     Institution: Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, California, USA
     2003, 2005,2008
     certified trainer and full licences in Heart Focus method
     in education, health and business
     Institution: Family Constellations an Organisational Constellations
     (Wibe Veenbos, Utrecht, prof. Matthias Varga von Kibed, München)

     Certification trainings and constellations, 2006-2007

Language skills: (rate from 5=excellent to 1=very poor)
Language Reading Speaking Writing
• Dutch 5 5 5
• English 5 4 3
• German 3 2 2
Language Institute Regina Coeli, level B.2.1 /B 1.2 in English

Membership of professional bodies:

  • International Stress Management Association (ISMA)
  • International Society for Effective and Affective Learning (SEAL)
  • Biofeedback Foundation of Europe (BFE)
  • Stress and Anxiety Research (STAR)
  • Musicians without borders
  • Dutch Society for Physicists
  • Dutch Society for Vocal Teaching
  • Dutch Association for Principals
  • Dutch Association for Transpersonal Psychiatry 

Other professional skills: 

  • Vocalist (tenor) : I studied with teachers of the Sweelinck Conservatory Amsterdam
  • masterclass singing Margreet Honig/ Maarten Koningsbergen in Switzerland)
  • Computer skills ( Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
Present position in HartFocus International
  • Director
  • Senior Coach/ Trainer Selfesteem and Empowerment for people in transition
  • Projectleader Emotion management, children in war affected area’s
  • Consultant in countries in transition

Years within National Centre for Schoolimprovement, APS: 24 years 

Key Qualifications in education:

  • Expert in empowering schoolteams, management and people in transition by enhancing selfesteem and empowering leadership
  • Expert in initiating and designing new projects and pioneer-organisations on national and international level ( to bridge cultures)
  • Expert in management coaching to Authentic Leadership, Personal Leadership and Competence management
  • National and international keynote speaker on Resilience, Emotional Intelligence, Heartintelligent Learning/ heartintelligence

Key Qualifications in education:

  • Organising conferences
  • Building bridges, mediation, building reconciliation
  • Building resilience and organising trauma treatment in war effected areas

Specific experience abroad:

  • Keynote speaker and presenter on the Learning Conference in New Zealand, 2005
  • Coordinator of World Conference Leading with Emotional Intelligence, tools and wisdom for a sustainable world, 2005
  • Presenter on World Conference Solution Focussed Coaching, Vienna 2006
  • Workshop Emotional Intelligence for employees of United Nations, Geneva, 2005
  • Assessment in Albania for the Parent School Programme of CRS to increase competences of the regional taskforces, 2003
  • Keynote speaker Music, Resilience and Trauma, Musicians without Borders/ WarChild
  • casemanager in the Linkages Project CRS in Croatia, Kosovo and Albania, 2003
  • facilitator for organising the National Parent Conference in Albania, 2003
  • keynote speaker stressmanagement national congress in Germany, 2003
  • training NGO’s on core qualities and competence management in Eastern Europe
  • trainer multiple intelligence and brainfriendly learning in USA, Austria, England, Belgium and Germany (2001/2002/2003/2004/2005/2006)
  • trainer inner motivation in Heart Math Institute, California (USA), 2000
  • trainer parttime management for principals New York, 1992
  • trainer parttime education management , Vienna, 1990
  • Keynote Speaker EEC conference, Brussels on Equal Opportunities in Education, 1988
  • Keynote Speaker in Milano, Italy on Equal Opportunities in education, 1989
  • presentation on sustainability in Bucharest, Romania, Physics in Society, 1975

Professional experience record:

From/to: 1983-2008 
Location: Utrecht
Company: APS, National Centre for Schoolimprovement
  • 2000-2007 projectleader brainbased learning and heart intelligence APS
  • 2001-2007 head of the department Human Resource Management APS
  • 1993-2000 director National Centre Stressmanagement (allied partner of APS)
  • 1984-1993 director National Centre for Equal Opportunities (allied to APS)
  • 1983-2008 consultant, author, organizer of conferences, project management, coach and trainer
From/to: 1993-now
Location: Hilversum
Company: Ayondela
Position: trainer, coach, director
Description: training and coaching on Peak Performance for Management and Musicians
From/to: 2001-now
Location: Hilversum
Company: European Centre of Heartbased Learning/HeartMathNL
Position: C.E.O.
Description: facilitating heartbased learning ( medical physical research, development, sales, writing), organising international conference Heart and Soul of Learning, giving licensing trainings HeartMath in health and business (2004-2006) and education (2008-now).
From/to: 1978-1983
Location: Lelystad
Company: secondary school
position: Teacher physics and biology, Developer of teaching materials, Projectleader, organisation development and restructurer
From/to: 1979-1982
Location: Utrecht
Company:University of Utrecht
Position: Consultant and Researcher
Description: research and consultancy in restructuring industrial laboraties of Philps, Shell and Akzo 
From/to 1973-1979
Location: Utrecht
Company: Utrechts Universiteitsblad
Position: journalist
From/to 2000-2002, 2006-2007
Location: Amsterdam
Company: National Theatre Choir, Opera Choir RAI Theatre
Position: tenor
       Description: concerts together with the National Ballet and
       The Dutch Dancing Theatre

Other relevant information

I have a profound interest in other cultures:
educational visits in China (1982, 2005), New Zealand (2006), Austria (2006), Switzerland (2006), France (2007), Albania (2003), Croatia (2003), Serbia (2003), Chechoslowakya (2003), Uzbekistan (1990), Sowjet Union (1973, 1990), USA (1990, 2000,2 003), England (many times), Portugal (1973), Sweden (1972), Italy (1989), Germany (many times) and Belgium (many times), Romania.
Cultural visits in Egypt (2000), China (2001), Singapore (2006), Thailand(2003), Laos (2003), Turkey (2003), Tunesia (1983), Greece (many times), Italy (many times), Hungary (2002), Kroatie, Austria, Danmark, Iceland, France, Switserland, Spain.

I am specialist in bridging between cultures:

  • bridging between western expertise and authentic qualities and expertise of people and communities in different cultures
  • bridging between research (neuroscience and cardiology, medical physics) and practical New Learning development on schools (heart- and brainfriendly learning) 2000-2004
  • bridging between science and society: in 1978 inspirator and founder of Physics and Energy of the University of Utrecht, pioneer of Association for Science and Society
  • bridging between physics research and consultancy/social science: I processed restructuring of the research laboratories of Philips, Shell and Akzo 1979-1982
  • bridging between the professional world of music and the professional world of trainers, by giving more than twenty concerts a year on professional level, being coach in masterclasses of excellent singers, being trainer of professional choirs
  • bridging between traditional chinese medicine and ancient wisdom and western modern psychotherapy and advanced brainresearch

I am specialist in initiating and developing new projects in a changing society (pioneer for sustainable world):

  • one of the initiators of Greenpeace International (1972)
  • inspirator of Energy Physics, Univertsity of Utrecht (1978)
  • project director of National Council of Industrial Laboraties (1979)
  • ceo of national centre for equal opportunities (1984-1993)
  • founder of national centre of stressmanagement (1993-2000)
  • founder of european centre of heartbased learning (2002) and HeartMathNL (2005)
  • initiative for project solar energy for Albanian schools
  • founder and secretary of board of a playgarden for children (1984)
  • member of the board of National Council for Relation-debates (1988-1993)
  • member of the board of the Institite of Psychopuncture, which is an integration between western and eastern therapies (2001)
  • member of a political party (since 1970)

Publications and reports:


  • Blase K. (1986) Met passen en meten, herwaardering van de plaats van meisjes in de exacte vakken, APS, Utrecht.
  • Blase, Meissen(1989) 1990, economische zelfstandigheid, SMD- e­d­uca­tie­ve u­i­t­g­eve­rs (this book got an award of the council of Equal Opportunities, de Zilveren Pluim)
  • Blase.K. (1991) Stamboom van de familie Blase, Amsterdam
  • Blase K.(1991) Kwaliteit in deeltijd,schoolleiderschap in deeltijd en gedeeld schoolleiderschap APS, Utrecht
  • Blase K.(1995) Verzuimbeleid en vitaliteit, praktijkaanpak in het onderwijs, APS, Utrecht
  • Kees Blase, Maria Straathof (1998) Den Haag Centraal, Haags primair onderwijs op weg naar zelfsturing , APS, Utrecht
  • Kees Blase (1995) Stress als uitdaging, ,herkennen en hanteren van werkstress, methodiek voor trainers, APS, Utrecht
  • Kees Blase en Peter Rouwendaal (1999) Sturen op de menselijke factor, methodiek voor trainers
  • K.Blase, J.Gispen (2000) Loopbaanrisico’s van schoolleiders (m/v), VVO/APS, Utrecht
  • K.Blase (2002) Ziekteverzuim, praktijkreeks Arbobeleid in de school, Kluwer
  • K.Blase (2002) Persoonlijk Meesterschap, exercises personal leadership and selfesteem, APS
  • K.Blase, H.Alting, I van Moorsel, M. Sluyter (2003) Leren met Hoofd, Hart en Handen, bundel artikelen Educare voor het onderwijs
  • K.Blase (2005) Leuker en beter leren met HartFocus hoofdstuk in: Andere wegen in jeugdzorg en onderwijs, ORTHO-reeks van inleidingen en leerboeken op het gebied van de orthopedagogiek, red prof van der Ploeg en R. de`Groot., Lemniscaat 2005
  • K.Blase (2005) Hoe het hart kan bijdragen aan krachtige leerprocessen, in: Handboek Leerlingbegeleiding, uitgeverij Kluwer
  • K.L.Blase and M.Mc Kergow (2006) Meanings affect the heart, chapter in Solution-focused Management, Vienna 


  • Blase (1975) Science, an instrument of production. Conferencepapers Energy and Physics Boekarest
  • Blase (1982) Industriele Laboratoria, themanummer Wetenschap en Samenleving
  • Blase (1983) Herstrukturering van de Technische Dienst bij Akzo-C­h­e­m­ie, in Stratego op Bedrijfsniveau, ITS-Nijmegen
  • Blase (1990) De driehoek: zorg, techniek en wiskunde, in: er bij blijven…VU-uitgeverij Amsterdam
  • Blase (1989) Le pari opportunità nei Paesi Bassi, in: Donne a scuola in Europa, Franco Angeli Libri, Milano, Italy 
  • Blase (1990) Uzbekistan, in : Reus,J.de (red) Perestrojka en Onderwijs, APS, Utrecht
  • Blase (1989) Kwaliteitsverhoging bij deeltijdschoolleiders, in: MESO-magazine mei 1989
  • Blase (1990) Parttime education management, challenge for 1990- 2000, paper EEC conference Equal Advances in Management in Vienna, dec 1990
  • Blase (1992) Take care of yourself; parttime leadership as a healthy concept for the nineties; in: Women in Mana­gement review, Manchester ­­School of Manage­ment, Volume 7 nr 7
  • Blase (1992) Gezonde managementvormen in de jaren negentig; in: Handboek Personeelsbeleid in de school, Samson uitgeverij.
  • Blase (1994) Modulaire ontwikkeling van preventieactiviteiten,in: Handboek Arbobeleid in de school, Samsom-uitgeverij
  • Blase (1995) Ziekteverzuim, in: Handboek Arbobeleid in de school, Samsom uitgeverij
  • Blase (1996) Stress in de gezondheidszorg, congresmap LCS
  • Blase (1997) Inspiratie en bezieling in je werk,in:  Uitleg
  • Ariane Hamming en Kees Blase (1999) Van geboeid naar boeiend werk. In: Handboek voor verpleegkundige innovatie
  • K.Blase (2002) Leuker en sneller leren met je hart, Tijdschrift voor Remedial Teaching.
  • K.Blase (2002) Nederlandse basisscholen ontdekken het belang van het hart, Educare
  • K.Blase (2003) Successes on Dutch Schools with heart intelligence, conference papers SEAL, UK 
  • J. Goelitz, K.Blase (2003) De kunst van het examen doen
  • K.Blase (2004) Leuker en sneller leren met hartcoherentie, Tijdschrift voor Leerlingbegeleiding
  • K.Blase (dec 2004)Krijgt het hart zijn plaats weer terug? In themanummer van Angst naar Liefde van Tijdschrift voor Leerlingbegeleiding
  • K.Blase (2004) Leuker en sneller leren door hartritme training, Tijdschrift voor remedial teaching
  • K.Blase and Tony Yardley Jones (2004) Science of the heart in relation to stressmanagement, in book of abstracts STAR 2004, Kohnstamm Instituut
  • K.Blase (2004) Voor jezelf ontdekken hoe hart focus werkt, interview met arts en ADHD specialist van het Ikazia Ziekenhuis Rotterdam
  • K.Blase (2005) Biofeedback with HeartRate Variability, Biofeedback Foundation of Europe
  • K.Blase (2005) Krijgt het hart zijn plaats weer terug? (Will the heart get back its original place?) Tijdschrift JSW
  • Jurriaan Kamp (2005) Een verandering in je hart verandert alles, Ode 2005
  • Kees Blase, Marco Visser (2005) Betere leerprestaties op scholen dankzij hartcomputer, (better performances because of the heart-computer) in Ode 2005
  • K.Blase (2005) HartBreinLeren, methodes in different types of schools, national APS Magazine, June 2005
  • Leren met HartFocus  (2005) (Learning with HeartFocus), Magazine Educare, January 2005

Interviews and articles about K.L.Blase

  • Magazine for Kinesiology (2006) Hart symbool van eenheid: Heart, symbol of unity. (interview with Kees Blase of HeartMathNL) 
  • Focus12/2006: Stress Mit der Klugheit des Herzens
  • Science pages in Intermediair (business magazine) 17/7/2003: Gym voor het hart (gymnastics for the heart)
  • Science pages in national newspaper NRC 31/8/2002: Leren met het Hart